The Actor Headshot - Survival techniques for actors in New York

The Actor Headshot - Survival techniques for actors in New York

In the last months I met a countless number of young performers in need of a new actor headshot. Sometime their need is actually a DESPERATE need.

I don't think it's the case to panic, although most of them do. A great actor headshot is just a few clicks away. It's definitely possible to have a good one even with a small budget.

As a photographer, I always keep in mind that younger actors and students have much more limited resources available. New York is especially tough on the new members of the acting community. For me it's important to run an ethical business and be extra flexible with those who struggle more.

actor-headshots-new-york-greg-salvatori-1-2In 2014 I started using a financing solution from PayPal for the first time. The student or the young actor can buy a photo shoot today and have new headshots done. PayPal gives them the time to pay in 6 months, in smaller payments. I noticed that a lot of young people liked it and used it to be able to get what they want without stressing too much.

I also created some very reduced Actor Headshot offer (check the Half Price Headshots Shoots here) special designed for younger people and much smaller budgets.

I like to do what I can to help younger actors and students, and it's honestly not even about Karma. This is not about me, it's more about them. Younger actors have a super hard life in the City. Most of the people I met have at least one or two jobs on a side. They work in restaurants and bars all night and then they go to an audition in the morning. It's tough. And student's debt needs to be dealt with too.

The big problem is that most of young actors end up having poor headshots.

Because of the limited budget, New York's students often go to a semi-professional photographer or friend to have new headshots taken. Nothing is less productive than this.

When casting directors and agents are looking for people, they want professionals that invest on themselves. A non-professional actor headshot sends one message only: "this actor is just trying out, is an amateur".

If you don't invest in yourself, no industry professional will. I'd be too risky. Start thinking about your new headshots today.

Tweet your questions and doubts to Greg now or comment below.



Beards of New York - A shoot with Aquib Yacoob


Actor Headshots in New York - a shoot with young Michael Trainer