Beards of New York - A shoot with Aquib Yacoob
101 Beards of New York - A shoot with Aquib Yacoob
My new photo project, Beards of New York, is in its final months. I still have lots of people lined up for their photo shoots (I am booked up solid till the end of March), but most of it is done.
I am still open to receive more applicants, more bearded men wanting to be part of it. You can never say no to a great beard and sometimes the next applicant is very unique. It would be a shame not to stay open to a new opportunity (if you want to apply, just email me your pictures or get in touch via Twitter and Facebook).
Order your copy of Beards Of New York, CLICK HERE
I have started the tricky task of sifting through the thousands of images and marking the ones that are going to be the 101 Beards of New York. It is difficult as you can imagine, especially for me, the king of double guessing! It will take a while, but it's shaping up nicely. The more I look at the images and the more I am crazy for them.
A headshot like the one you see here is a winner. This gorgeous man you see is Aquib Yacoob. Aquib is a charming man with a strong and fascinating personality. We could hardly stop talking during the shoot a few weeks ago. I got to the point being a little worried about having enough time to take all the shots I needed!
People like Aquib are the heart of New York and the heart of 101 Beards of New York. He works at Amnesty International, has a brilliant mind, and is interested in the questions of masculinity/femininity like myself. How can I put it? He is one of the awesome people that I have been lucky enough to meet while building this portrait collection.
I always thought New York was an inhospitable place, full of pushy people, ready to run you over the moment you step in their way. The New York I found is a creative, vibrant and fascinating place where you often meet amazing people. It's an incredible surprise and I am glad I moved here last June. It keeps surprising me!
Thank you for sharing this post, it all helps the project!