Beards of New York launch - MACY's NYC


Beards of New York by Greg Salvatori launched at Macy's on 34th Street, in the heart of New York. The crowd was happy and buzzy, lots of people cheered and shared a happy moment with Greg. The book is now available on Amazon (book your copy of Beards of New York here).

Greg was wearing a hot pink bow tie for the night, and two of the men that are collected in the book modeled for the night, wearing outfits that Macy's and its wide range of fashion brands had prepared for the event.

beards of new york greg salvatori
beards of new york greg salvatori


Beards of New York captures the individuality, the fashion, and the sexiness of the contemporary beard. The collection showcases the beard’s many shapes and styles worn by a diverse mix of everyday New Yorkers from Wall Street traders to East Village barmen, to Broadway actors and Upper East Side doctors.

beards of new york greg salvatori
beards of new york greg salvatori


Greg Salvatori transforms each man into a sexy and playful study of modern masculinity. With these stunning portraits of men, radiant against the candy pink background and hints of glitter, Greg Salvatori taps into the lumbersexual aesthetic while asking how the beard makes the man.  Beards of New York captures the diversity of looks of everyday New Yorkers. The book feeds on the city’s high energy, stylishness, and sex appeal. The men come from a range of professions, and reflect both age and racial diversity. Many of the men have never been in front of a professional photographer before.

The book is inspired by both the history and the fashion of today’s beards. The male beard has had its rise and fall in Western culture. From the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to our modern era, the beard has often been about much more than facial hair, standing as a paradoxical symbol of class privilege or servitude, religious devotion or blasphemy, political revolutionary or social conservative. While much of the 20th century has favored the clean shaven man (thanks in part to the invention of disposal razors and electric shavers), the recent rise of the bearded lumbersexual in contrast to the well shaved metrosexual style reflects the ebb and flow of our love/ hate relationship with men’s whiskers.

Beards of New York Greg Salvatori
Beards of New York Greg Salvatori


Greg Salvatori presents the contemporary beard with a glamour and radiant beauty that makes each man an icon of our era. Whether the man has a long and unruly beard of a fisherman, or a more sophisticated stubble of a designer, the collection illuminates the individual tastes of facial hair, showing how not every New York beard is created equal. And this is the point.  At the heart of this collection is the dazzling hot pink background that contrasts the masculinity of the beard. Greg Salvatori not only captures the diversity of contemporary facial hair in the city, but also questions our understandings of its masculinity. Using a distinctive color palette, precise lighting, and face and body glitter accents, this collection asks: How does the beard make the man? A key attraction of the book is its bright colors and eye candy appeal. The hot pink adds energy and pushes the models out of the page.

Greg Salvatori Beards Of New York
Greg Salvatori Beards Of New York

 Beards of New York has unique approach. While it fits into a range of photography books that capture the beauty and eroticism of the male form, its precise focus on the urban bearded man sets it apart. There are no singular photography books that focus on these elements of contemporary masculinity with such a playful and distinct look. In drawing on the style and gestures of everyday New Yorkers, this book mixes the genre of male photographic art with contemporary fashion trends.

Beards of New York combines eye catching photographs and colors with a unique focus on a specific facet of contemporary aesthetics. A number of photographers have used bearded models. But no photographer has focused on the beard trends of everyday men in a particular city, while still presenting a playful focus on the pleasures and delights of facial hair. This take on masculinity, combined with the fine quality of these photographs makes Beards of New York a distinctive project.


A special thank you to some amazing people who particularly supported the project: A.B. Lugo, Adrian Wagner, Adriano Litvin, Adzi Jasari, Ahmed Esa, AJ Hunsucker, Alex Partridge, Alexandre Caruso, Amilcar Tirado, Anatoly Belyy, Andre Amorim, Annette Bontke, Anthony Varecchia, Aquib Yacoob, Bari Sofer, Ben Johnson, Beth Haymaker, Brad Bradley, Brad Carpenter, Brad Oullette, Brandon Hoover, Brandon Madrid, Brett Stout, Bryan Farley, Chris Madeira, Christopher Terndrup, Colin Holmes, Collin Glindewell, Corry Amon, Cris Scardino, Cristian Avila, Cristina Ratti, Dan Spinosi, Daniel Gemino, Daniel Hernandez, Daniel Jeoung, Daniel Sinisterra, David Clarke, David Oliveira, David Spillane, Davide Marongiu, Denis Kohler, Diego Brooks, Dominic Paolillo, Doug Paulson, Douglas Mendelman, Edward Gel, Elliott Reiland, Eric Jetner, Erik Christensen, Erik Oftedal, Evan Teitelbaum, Frank Quesada, Giuseppe O Brien, Graham Forden, Greg Land, Gregory Nalbone, Ian Mazurek, Ismael Llano, Jacek Ratkowski, Jacob Wayne Clark, James Higgins, James Polchin, Jason Duval Hunter, Jay Cullum, Jean-Paul Morales, Jeff Chastain, Jeff Gladstone, Jeremy Kim, Jesse Kovarsky, Joe LaBruno, Joey Eicher, John Olsen, Jon Carcio, Jon Taneski, Josbel Mejia, Joseph Crea, Joseph Magnone, Joshua Slusarz, Jovanni Jimenez-Pedraza, Justin Charette, Justin Ciambra, Justin Russo, Kartik Nair, Ken Izawa, Lidia Salvatori, Lucius Riley, Maja Ilic, Marco Paul, Massimo Pasqualetti, Matt Felline, Matthew Hardy, Mauricio Rodrigues, Mesut Ulug, Michael Ashworth, Michael DiMartino, Michael Haywood, Michael Matthias, Michael Paul Dionysiou, Michael Psomas, Michael Trainer, Nadia Spita, Nathan Grimm, Nick Brous, Nick Libretti, Nick Potenzieri, Nick Smit, Norman Goldblatt, Ohad Seroya, Paul Pachenco, Pepe Hernandez, Perla Fontanesi, Rafael Torres, Richard Ashford, Rick Akin, Robert Donadio, Robert Piper, Rupert Huelsey, Ryan Napravnik, Ryan Zoeller, Sam Coffie, Santiago Rivera Santos, Scott Bryson, Scott Holman, Scott Rogers, Scott Stern, Sergio Ramos, Shalabh Sangor, Shane Tate, Shaul Betesh, Shawn Bunch, Stephen Charles Lincoln, Stephen Pirelli, Stephen Raskauskas, Steven Baroncini, Steven Bidwell, Steven Scott, Stewart Batt, Sylvester Augustus, Talbot Logan, Terrel Fraser, Tim Quartier, Tim Webster, Timothy Hart, Tj Fix, Travis Ryder, Trent Orvis, Troy Feely, Troy Riddle, Tyler Shagiri, Vito Bartolomeo, and Walter L. Mora.

Greg Salvatori is an award winning New York photographer, artist and author based in Upper West Side, New York. His latest photo book, BEARDS OF NEW YORK, was featured in magazines and publications in more than 30 countries.

He splits his time between his artistic photography projects and shoots for clients. He has worked in photography and the fashion industry in London, Paris, and Florence. He has had wonderful opportunities to work with brilliant photographers and world famous designers from the beginning of his career. With passion and obsessive attention to detail, he learned as much as he could and started his own photography studio in 2007.

Greg is available for your photo shoots, contact him now


What does it take to be a real New Yorker? Gregory Nalbone and Beards of New York


Beards of New York, the book - OUT NOW!